Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Inside Guide

I often wonder if other people know the difference between being an introvert and an extrovert. We look at it as though it's an easy difference to determine, but it's not. Our society is basically extroverted. Being an introvert, therefore, becomes a 'bad' thing. Or something less than the best. We look at it as though the introvert is our shy younger sibling who needs our help.

When I was a kid, I thought I was the shy socially backwards sibling. And that may have been, and still be, true. What I didn't see was the way my being quiet added to the mix. I knew people liked me. Looking back on it, I thought at least some of that was because I was my brother's kid sister. Now I recognize that's not true.... well, not totally true.

I always had a good sense of humor and could play off almost anyone's words. I was quick with comebacks and sarcastic as anyone can be. People actually enjoyed that and enjoyed my company because of it.

My big brother, who is an extrovert, was a more noticed leader than I was. Not just because he was older, but because he was an extrovert. I led from within the group. People didn't expect much from me so it was easy to listen, make suggestions and guide from inside. Something at which I excelled; and something for which I became known.

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